14 Lagu Terbaik yang Menceritakan Tentang IBU
Tanggal 22 Desember merupakan saat yang sangat spesial bagi para ibu. Saat itulah dengan secara simbolis “Hari Ibu” dirayakan. Walaupun tiap hari pun sudah selayaknya seorang anak memuliakan ibunya. Namun tidak ada salahnya kalau kita juga memanfaatkan momen spesial ini untuk memberikan kejutan manis pada ibu kita.
Contoh kado yang sederhana tapi cukup mengena diantaranya adalah lagu. Saya teringat saat masih SD, bersama kakak, kami menelpon sebuah stasiun radio untuk me-request lagu “Mama” milik Spice Girl. Walau terkesan kurang bondo (gak modal) tapi ternyata ibu saya sangat senang dengan kado yang kami berikan. Itu jadi salah satu momen terbaik dalam hidup saya.
Nah, kalo anda berminat saya punya beberapa referensi lagu bertemakan Ibu yang mungkin bisa anda manfaatkan untuk memperindah nuansa di hari Ibu.
Inilah kumpulan lagu-lagu terbaik tentang Ibu menurut saya. Awalnya saya hanya menampilkan 10. Tapi karena banyak permintaan akhirnya saya tambahkan beberapa.
1. Bunda – Melly Goeslaw
kubuka album biru
penuh debu dan nusa
kupandangi semua damba diri
kecil bersih, belum ternoda...
fikirku-pun melayang
dahulu penuh kasih
kudengar semua cerita orang,
tentang riwayatku...
*kata mereka diriku slalu dimanja
kata mereka diriku slalu ditimang
nada nada yang indah
slalu terurai darinya
tangisan nakal dari bibirku
tak-kan jadi deritanya
tangan halus dan suci
telah mengangkat tubuh ini
jiwa raga dan seluruh hidup
rela dia berikan...
*kata mereka diriku slalu dimanja
kata mereka diriku slalu ditimang
ooh bunda ada dan tiada dirimu
kan selalu ada di
dalam hatiku...
2. Mother – Seamo
"Hi Mother, Haikei, genki ni shitemasuka?
Saikin renraku shinakute gomen
Boku wa nantoka yattemasu..."
Chiisana karada ni chiisana te Shiraga mo majiri Marukunatte
Shikashi boku ni wa Nani yori mo ookikute Dare yori mo tsuyokute
Sasaete kureta kono ai Dakara kodomo ni mo tsutaetai
Chikaku ni iru to iradatsu kuse ni Tooku ni iru to sabishiku kanji
Anata wa sonna sonzai Donna mondai mo Mi wo kezutte kaiketsu suru
Soshite Boku no shitteru dare yori mo Ichi-ban gamandzuyoku TAFU desu
Itsumo massaki ni ki ni suru Jibun janaku boku no karada de
Suiji sentaku Souji ni ikuji Amatta jikan sara ni shigoto shi
Ichi-ban hikui basho ni aru mono shika Motomenakattano Anata yo
Atarimae sugi wakaranakatta Hitori de kurashi hajimete wakatta
Anata no sugosa Taihensa Sore wo omoeba Kyou mo boku ganbareru sa
Chiisana karada ni chiisana te Shiraga mo majiri Marukunatte
Shikashi boku ni wa Nani yori mo ookikute Dare yori mo tsuyokute
Sasaete kureta kono ai Dakara kodomo ni mo tsutaetai
"Ashita asa shichi-ji ni okoshite" to itte
Anata jikan doori ni okoshite kurete
Shikashi Rifujin na boku wa
Neboke nagara ni iu kotoba wa "Urusee!"
Konna kurikaeshi no RUUTIN Iyana kao hitotsu sezu ni
Anata Mainichi okoshite kureta
Donna mezamashi yori atatakaku seikaku datta
Sore de mo aru hi Gakkou wo ZURUyasumi "Ikitakunai" to ii
Futon kara ichido mo denu boku mae ni Kao wo ryoute de ooikakushi
Oogoe agete naita Boku mo kanashikute naita
Sono toki boku wa "Nante baka na koto wo shitan da" to jibun semeta
Chiisana karada ni chiisana te Shiraga mo majiri Marukunatte
Shikashi boku ni wa Nani yori mo ookikute Dare yori mo tsuyokute
Sasaete kureta kono ai Kanshashitemasu
My Mother...
Kodomo ni sakidattareru hodo Tsurai koto nante Kono yo ni nai no dakara
Tatta ichi-byou de mo Anata yori nagaku ikiru koto Kore dake wa mamoru
Kore dake wa...
Anata no kodomo de yokatta Anata ga boku no haha de yokatta
Itsu made mo kawaranai Zutto zutto kawaranai
Boku wa anata no ikiutsushi dakara...
Chiisana karada ni chiisana te Shiraga mo majiri Marukunatte
Shikashi boku ni wa Nani yori mo ookikute Dare yori mo tsuyokute
Sasaete kureta kono ai Dakara kodomo ni mo tsutaetai
"Zutto boku no haha de ite Zutto genki de ite
Anata ni wa mada shigoto ga aru kara Boku no oyakoukou uketoru shigoto ga..."
3. Ibu – Iwan Fals
Ribuan kilo jalan yang kau tempuh
Lewati rintang untuk aku anakmu
Ibuku sayang masih terus berjalan
Walau tapak kaki penuh darah penuh nanah
Seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan
Tak mampu ku membalas...
Ingin kudekap dan menangis dipangkuanmu
Sampai aku tertidur bagai masa kecil dulu
Lalu do'a-do'a baluri sekujur tubuhku
Dengan apa membalas...
4. Cinta Untuk Mama – Kenny
Apa yang kuberikan untuk mama
Untuk mama tersayang
Tak kumiliki sesuatu berharga
Untuk mama tercinta
Reff :
Hanya ini kunyanyikan
Senandung dari hatiku untuk mama
Hanya sebuah lagu sederhana
Lagu cintaku untuk mama
Kembali ke [*], Reff
Walau tak dapat selalu ku ungkapkan
Kata cintaku ‘tuk mama
Namun dengarlah hatiku berkata
Sungguh kusayang padamu mama
percayalah hanya diriku paling mengerti
kegelisahan jiwa mu
Kembali ke Reff 2x
Lagu cintaku untuk mama….
5. A Song For Mama – Boys II Men
You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there
To comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times
Mama you know I love you
(Oh you know I love you)
Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul
(yes it is, yes it is,ohhhhh,yes it is,yes it is,yes it is... oohhhh)
You're always there for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
(Yes you did)
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And saaaayyyyy,
I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be
The girl in my life
(oooo, oohh)
Never gonna go a day without you
Fill's me up just thinking about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama
6. Lagu Untuk Ibu – Brothers
Seorang Wanita
Bermahkota Ibu
Menggenggam Jari-Jari Kecil
Ikatan Ini Tidak Kan Terurai
Kerna Tautan Ini
Tautan Darah dan Akidah
Dan Rahmat Dari Allah
Kini Ibu
Peganglah Tanganku Ini
Biar Kubawa
Ibu Menjelajah
Hasil Titik Peluhmu
Biar Kubawa
Kealam Ku
Hasil Ukiranmu
Selama Ini
Dodoianmu Ibu
Membina Benteng Pemisah
Antara Yang Hak Dan Yang Batil
Membakar Semangat Perjuangan
Mengait Kasih Pada Junjungan Tercinta
Tersujud Lemah
Mengabdi Diri
Kepada Yang Esa
Jika Belum Pernah
Kau Dengar Ucapan Terima Kasihku
Ketahuilah Doaku Ini
Moga Tuhan Menyayangimu
Sepertimana Kau Mengasihiku
Dari Dulu Hingga Kini
Untuk Selama-Lamanya
7. Mama – Spice Girl
She used to be my only enemy and never let me be free
Catching me in places that I knew I shouldn't be
Every other day I crossed the line
I didn't mean to be so bad
I never thought you would
Become the friend I never had
Back then I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood (Mama)
So now I see through your eyes
All that you did was love
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend
You're my friend
I didn't want to hear it then but
I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I had a lot of time to think about
About the way I used to be [harmony]
Never had a sense of my responsibility
Back then I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes
All that you did was love
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend
You're my friend, you're my friend
But now I'm sure I know why (I know why)
Why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes
(See through your eyes)
All I can give you is love
(All I can give you is love)
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend
Oh (you're my friend)
Ma Mama, oh (you're my friend)
Oh Ma Mama, oh
Oh Ma Mama, oh
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend
Me loving you, you loving me
A love that's true and guaranteed
Me loving you, me loving you
You loving me, you loving me
A love that's true, a love that's true
And guaranteed, so true
Me loving you, you loving me
A love that's true and guaranteed
Me loving you, me loving you
You loving me, you loving me
A love that's true, a love that's true
And guaranteed, so true
8. Mother – Sammy Yusuf
Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But i never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me
Now i’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years i caused you pain
If only i could sleep in your arms again
Mother i’m lost without you
You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only i knew what i know today
Mother i’m lost without you
Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi
Wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi
Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka
Qawlu rasulika
Fi qalbi, fi hulumi
Anti ma’i ya ummi
Mother... mother... o my mother
How i long to see o mother
“your mother, your mother, your mother”
Is the saying of your prophet
In my heart, in my dreams
You are always with me mother
Ruhti wa taraktini
Ya nura ‘aynayya
Ya unsa layli
Ruhti wa taraktini
Man siwaki yahdhununi
Man siwaki yasturuni
Man siwaki yahrusuni
‘afwaki ummi
You went and left me
O light of my eyes
O comfort of my nights
You went and left me
Who, other than you, will embrace me?
Who, other than you, will cover me?
Who, other than you, will guard over me?
Your pardon mother, forgive me
9. Ummi – Hadad Alwi
Ummi yaa lahnan a'syaqohu
wanasyidan dauman ansyuduhu
Fikulli makanin adzkuruhu
wa-azhollu azhollu uroddiduhu
Ummi yaa ruuhi wa-hayati
yaa bahjata nafsi wamunaati
Unsi filhadhiri wal-ati... 2x
Allohu ta'aala aushoni
fissirri walau fil i'laani
Bilbirri laki wal-ihsaani... 2x
Ismuki manquusyun fi qolbi
Hubbuki yahdini fi darbi
wadu'a-i yahfazhuki robbiy... 2x
10. Ibu – Hawari
kasih sayang yang telah ibu berikan
takkan mungkin dapat terbalaskan
jasa dan batinnya...
tiasa terjangka bersama pergorbanan
yang kita berikan
takkan mungkin dapat terbalaskan
cintailah ibu
sayangilah ibu
sebagaimana kasih sayangnya
ingatlah tika dalam buaian
perit payah ibu terkorban untuk kita
sebagai tanda kasih sayangnya
die berikan untuk anak tercinta
ampunkan dosa ibuku
redhakan lah ibuku
sayangilah ibuku
11. Mama – Celine Dion
Mama, you gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady
And mama, all you had to offer
Was a promise of a lifetime of love
Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mothers
Love for her child
And I know
A love so complete someday must leave
Must say goodbye
Goodbye’s the saddest word I’ll ever hear
Goodbye’s the last time I will hold you near
Someday you’ll say that word and I will cry
It’ll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
Mama, you gave love to me
Turned a young one, into a woman
And mama, all I ever needed
Was a guarantee of you lovin me
Cus I know
There is no other
Love like a mothers
Love for her child
And it hurts oh
But something so strong
Someday’ll be gone
Must say goodbye
Goodbye’s the saddest word I’ll ever hear
Goodbye’s the last time I will hold you near
Someday you’ll say that word and I will cry
It’ll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
But the love you give will always live
You’ll always be there every time I fall
You are to me the greatest love of all
You take my weakness and you make me strong
And I will always love you till forever comes
And when you need me
I’ll be there for you always
I’ll be there your whole life through
I’ll be there this I’ll promise you
I’ll be your leader through the darkest night
I’ll be the wings’ that guide your broken flight
I’ll be your shelter through the raging storm
And I will love you till forever comes
Goodbye’s the saddest word I’ll ever hear
Goodbye’s the last time I will hold you near
Someday you say that word and I will cry
It’ll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
Till we meet again, until then, goodbye
12. Future (Miraie) – Kiroro
Hora ashimoto wo mitegoran
Kore ga anata no ayumu michi
Hora mae wo mitegoran
Are ga anata no mirai
Haha ga kureta takusan no yasashisa
Ai wo idaite ayume to kurikaeshita
Ano toki wa mada osanakute imi nado shiranai
Sonna watashi no te wo nigiri
Issho ni ayundekita
Yume wa itsumo sora takaku aru kara
Todokanakute kowai ne dakedo oitsuzukeru no
Jibun no SUTOORII dakara koso akirametakunai
Fuan ni naru to te wo nigiri
Issho ni ayundekita
Sono yasashi wo toki ni wa iyagari
Hanareta haha e sunao ni narezu
Hora ashimoto wo mitegoran
Kore ga anata no ayumu michi
Hora mae wo mitegoran
Are ga anata no mirai
Mirai e mukatte yukkuri to aruite yukou
13. Mama – Il Divo
Mama, thank you for who I am
Thank you for all the things I'm not
Forgive me for the words unsaid
For the times I forgot
Mama remember all my life
You showed me love, you sacrificed
Think of those young and early days
How I've changed along the way [along the way]
And I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
Mama forgive the times you cried
Forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused
And I've been wrong, Dry your eyes [dry your eyes]
Cause I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, I miss you
Mama I hope this makes you smile
I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made
How I've changed along the way [along the way]
Cause I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you, Mama
14. Pesona Potretmu – Ada Band
letih terlihat di wajah yang tua itu
tertidur pulas dalam alunan gelap malam
di balik senyummu teduhkanku
terbayang potret kala engkau masih muda
ajarkan sebuah kata cinta dalam hidup
kekuatan kasihmu nyata pulihkan jiwaku
yang kadang goya
pesonamu masih jelas kurasakan hingga kini
menemani hingga ku dewasa
derai air mata dan pengorbananmu
takkan tergantikan, terima kasih ibu
waktu cepat bergulir sisakan banyak kisah
dia yang kau cinta telah lama meninggalkan
dirimu sendiri
namun tetap kau berdiri tegar pada dunia
pesonamu masih jelas kurasakan hingga kini
menemani hingga ku dewasa
derai air mata dan pengorbananmu
takkan tergantikan, terima kasih ibu
[ interlude ]
...menemani hingga ku dewasa
derai air mata dan pengorbananmu
takkan tergantikan, terima kasih ibu
[ Reff ]
letih terlihat di wajah yang tua itu
tertidur pulas dalam alunan gelap malam
di balik senyummu teduhkanku
terbayang potret kala engkau masih muda
ajarkan sebuah kata cinta dalam hidup
kekuatan kasihmu nyata pulihkan jiwaku
yang kadang goya
pesonamu masih jelas kurasakan hingga kini
menemani hingga ku dewasa
derai air mata dan pengorbananmu
takkan tergantikan, terima kasih ibu
waktu cepat bergulir sisakan banyak kisah
dia yang kau cinta telah lama meninggalkan
dirimu sendiri
namun tetap kau berdiri tegar pada dunia
pesonamu masih jelas kurasakan hingga kini
menemani hingga ku dewasa
derai air mata dan pengorbananmu
takkan tergantikan, terima kasih ibu
[ interlude ]
...menemani hingga ku dewasa
derai air mata dan pengorbananmu
takkan tergantikan, terima kasih ibu
[ Reff ]
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